Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Landmarks for the period ending April 2015..


Kylee recently passed ‘Boy’s and Girl’s Club’ level 5 swimming and is now at level 6 not surprisingly. She puts in huge effort to improve, especially when considering she does it straight after school.

Wiggly teeth..

You know the type. They make it difficult to eat, but the baby teeth have to go eventually. Kylee is now officially missing a front tooth, but looks none the worse for it. She downed a Tim Horton’s chocolate muffin and apple fritter Timbit without hesitation and no complaints earlier today.


Guess who got a badge for music? Was it her playing of a recorder at one of the Brownie meetings? I have absolutely no idea to be honest with you. LOL. Anyone would think that Brownies has become a secret society, but then again, Kylee is not one for blowing here own recorder..

In general..

Kylee is growing up fast and becoming way more sophisticated in every way, and even her palette is expanding. It’s all good..
