Sunday, March 23, 2014

One liners.. perfect timing..

These are not in any particular order, but most were said in the early days of her grasping spoken English. It is but a small selection. I will start another post if I remember more.. 

‘This is my bum’

Location: Masonville Mall. Kylee was walking by this time and she liked to pull along the red cooler bag in which were stored supplies for a diaper change. She was very proud of her red bag and told everybody what was in it.

“I got keys”

Location: the elevator in our apartment block. She was sitting in a push chair at the time, holding Granny’s keys. The elevator stopped and another resident entered. The extraordinary part about this is that we were not aware that she knew the word ‘keys’.

“On the cupboard”

Location: Our apartment. Kylee had hurt herself, obvious by the complaining. It wasn’t bad, but Granny asked where she hurt herself. We expected her to say ‘knee’ or ‘hand’. For her age at the time, she wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near the age where multi-syllable words could be said.

“No moon, no sleep”

Location: balcony. Granny was out on the balcony and was holding Kylee such that she could see more. Granny had also been explaining earlier about going to sleep when the moon comes out. Kylee looked out over the night view and saw that there was no moon.

“I want houp”

Location: Tim Hortons at Wonderland and Southdale.  Kylee was asked what she would like to eat. On a previous visit, I had shared some of my SOUP with here, but at the time, Kylee couldn’t manage the letter S at the front of a word. Granny couldn’t understand her, so Kylee raised her voice and said “Baba Houp”..

“Four year Old's can do that”

Location: Anywhere. This expression was used if Kylee was advised that what she was about to do next might not be a good idea..

“Ha Ha Ha”

Location: Masonville Mall. Santa had just announced his presence with a hearty ‘Ho Ho Ho’. Seconds later, Kylee announced her presence too..

“She used to be on a lot”

Location: Our apartment. Kylee knew that her mother was an ardent hockey player, and when hockey was being shown on TV, she more or less assumed that her mother was one of the players. Granny may also have played a part in Kylee believing this. So, when passing the TV, she would say ‘skate momma, skate’. Recently, hockey was on TV and she asked if her mother was playing. Granny told her no, and Kylee though about it for a few seconds and finally said “That’s strange.. ……..” The rest of this story should be obvious..

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