The world of elevator buttons is now within reach, I am not making reference to public elevators in malls, hospitals etc. The reference is to apartment blocks with aging elevators which are not generally ‘disabled’ friendly. Invariably, small children can’t reach even the lowest of the buttons, which is as well really because the alarm button is always one of them.
Kylee is not so small these days. On tiptoe, she can reach the G button, and of course the alarm button. She has almost outgrown the five point harness in her car seat, has been in Junior Kindergarten for a while now and is getting way too smart for a four year old.
Do we all grow up this fast? I don’t remember being particularly ‘squeaker toy’ savvy when I was her age.
When she reads a book, she puts her own words to the story, and will tell you that you can do this with books. One might get the impression that she has no real reading skills, yet when she clicked on a link on her computer, she came to me and told me that she needed adult supervision to complete the task, which is exactly the wording of the message on the screen. When I was at school, I was struggling with the content of the ‘Janet and John’ reading primer.
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