Sunday, April 1, 2012

Her first trophy..

Kylee has for the last year been a member of a local hockey team. She is the youngest and smallest of all of the players. The team received trophies for the 2011-2012 season, and today she brought it with her such that she could surprize us all. A magical moment..

Almost as magical as watching her skate, stick in hand, falling occasionally but always getting back up on her skates and ‘shaking it off’. She is so small that she can’t manage the step between the ice and the bench, and if she does try it, there is the inevitable fall. Fortunately, the coach or trainer lifts her out onto the ice most of the time.

I would like to think that I would have had the courage to go out on the ice, but I don’t think that I could have done it. Kylee’s mum is an exceptional player, and Kylee thought that she too would be exceptional from day one. It has at times being very frustrating for Kylee to accept that it is harder than it looks, but she still perseveres. The trophy will spur her on to her second  season later this year.

On the general front..

Kylee does well at school, is liked by many and thoroughly enjoys the experience. She can count to 100, and can spell and recognise a lot of words.

She is still progressing on her computer too, even teaching her 3 year old cousin how to do it.

Having learned about ‘earth day’ at school, she instructed me on which lights I should turn off and which would be ok to be left on.

Her demeanour is quite unlike any child I have ever come across. She is a star, a ray of sunshine, casting light and smiles wherever she goes. Words do not do her justice. Now she is a star with a trophy to prove it.
